Questions for a “Bible Only” Christian (partII)

This blog post is a continuation of asking myself how a “Bible only” Christian would answer certain questions about his faith if all he relied on was the Bible to find the answers. Again, as a Catholic, I rely on the living teaching authority of the Catholic Church. The Church that was entrusted with the oral teachings (tradition) of Jesus and the apostles, along with the authority to interpret Scripture correctly. The “Bible Only” Christian would turn strictly to the Bible for his authority. So, with that said, I will now continue looking at the Bible and try to shed light on the authority of the interpretation of Scripture. Continue reading

Sacraments: What do they do?

th[1]The sacramental system of the Catholic Church comes to us and was instituted by Jesus Christ. The sacraments are actions of Christ and his Church, whereby the signs and means of “saving grace” is normally bestowed on souls. Each sacrament bestows a special grace and effects the soul in a particular way. A person’s soul is directly touched by the power of Christ in a special way through the sacraments. Continue reading

Priestly Celibacy

thCAJ9TZFY The topic of Catholic priests being able to marry is a popular one. Many Catholics feel that if priest could marry, then we would not have a priest shortage. There are some Christians that believe that celibacy is “unbiblical or even “unnatural.” And some people seem to think that being celibate leads to a higher rate of illicit sexual behavior or perversion, than with a man who is married.

So, why does the Catholic Church in the Latin-Rite continue to require their priest to take vows of celibacy? Continue reading

Eternal Life – Will Most People be Saved?

thCAN9PCG8 Since in the last few weeks, the Church has been looking at Salvation questions in the Gospel readings at Sunday Mass, I thought I would take a look at that issue in regards to how people look at it. It seems that over the last 40 years, many people have begun to take the attitude that salvation will come to just about everyone who believes in God. Continue reading

Marriage Annulments – Did Jesus allow for Divorce?


Since the 1960’s, the divorce rate in America started to rise. In the 1980’s it leveled off and since then, it has slightly decreased. One of the main reasons for a slight decrease is that young people today do not get married right away, but instead live together for a certain period of time as a type of trail marriage. Many of these relationships do not last. So, in our society at large, it seems that marriage is not as sacred as it once was. What about marriage within the Christian community? Is the rate lower for those of us who follow Jesus as our Lord? If it is lower, it is not by much.

So, as a follower of Christ, did Jesus allow for divorce? If we look to the Gospel of Mark, we see just how high Jesus Christ valued marriage. In chapter 10 of Mark, Jesus was tested: Continue reading

“MORAL TRUTH” – Is it Black and White, or a Shade of Gray?

th[5] Two thousand years ago, a man named Pontius Pilate asked Jesus the question “WHAT IS TRUTH? (Jn 18:38)”. According to Webster dictionary, truth is simply “the property of being in accord with fact or reality.” For a statement to be true it must agree with knowledge (fact or reality), or be logically correct, or both, depending upon the context.

Is there Absolute Truth or Is all Truth Relative? The biggest obstacle to finding truth today is “relativism,” especially when it comes to those most important questions of faith, morals, and life’s meaning. Continue reading

Mediums and Psychics – Stay away?

th[3] Today, if you watch television, you have probably come across reality shows where people who claim they are a psychic or medium. They claim to be able to connect with the spirit of a relative or friend that has already died and can tell you what this dead person wants you to know. The medium will ask you questions about the person and then will tell you something that quote “only you would be able to know.” One show in particular is about a lady who lives on Long Island, New York and claims to be able to connect with the dead. I will not mention her name, but she has popularized the art of being a medium. And she in particular is probably profiting pretty good from it, I might ad. I only mention this lady as an example so as to ask the question; “As a Christian, should we stay away from them?” Continue reading

Women Priests?

th[9] Until the 1970’s, the question of women being ordained to the priesthood was never an issue. But, over the last 40 years, it has become an issue with some women theologians and others who wonder why. Since many Protestant churches are starting to have ordained women pastors, it is understandable the question is being asked. For some proponents of women being ordained, the facts about history, custom, tradition, and apostolic authority don’t seem to matter. Continue reading

The Assumption of Mary: where is it in the Bible?

th[10] The Catholic Church will be celebrating the Feast of “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary” on August 15th. Many Christians might say, “The New Testament does not show where Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven. Where did the Catholic Church get this idea?” Well, if someone believes that the revelation of God is only revealed in the Bible, I can understand where they are coming from. But, Catholics do not believe in sola Scriptura (Bible alone)—and for good reason. Nor do they believe in sola ecclesia—the “church alone.” Catholics have a much more comprehensive and historical view of authority. Continue reading

Why Baptize Infants?

thCAA9PIWY Even though the majority of Protestants practice Infant Baptism, it is rejected by many others. Some Christians believe that Baptism is only for those persons that are old enough to understand what he is undertaking. The person has to be old enough to profess faith in Jesus Christ and except him as their Lord and Savior: “…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Rom 10:9).” Therefore, since infants are not yet capable of doing what St. Paul says, then you should not baptize them.

So, why does the Church allow infants to be baptized? Continue reading