Seeking Happiness through Jesus Christ

The philosophy of Christ is very different from the philosophies of our modern culture. In fact, they are completely opposed to each other. And yet, the teachings of Christ and these modern philosophies both claim to be the key to the fulfillment of a yearning that is common to us all. Both claim that if we follow them, we will find the happiness and contentment we are seeking in this life. Continue reading

“MORAL TRUTH” – Is it Black and White, or a Shade of Gray?

th[5] Two thousand years ago, a man named Pontius Pilate asked Jesus the question “WHAT IS TRUTH? (Jn 18:38)”. According to Webster dictionary, truth is simply “the property of being in accord with fact or reality.” For a statement to be true it must agree with knowledge (fact or reality), or be logically correct, or both, depending upon the context.

Is there Absolute Truth or Is all Truth Relative? The biggest obstacle to finding truth today is “relativism,” especially when it comes to those most important questions of faith, morals, and life’s meaning. Continue reading