Sacrament of Marriage: One Man and one Woman

th[5] Everywhere you turn today, you can’t get away from the debate. You will find it on television news, headlines in the newspapers, magazines and discussed in just about every state legislature. It is impossible to escape the debate over same-sex marriage. So, what is the true meaning of marriage? For a Christian, the answer is a no-brainer. So why all of the fuss? It seems that if someone holds to the true definition of marriage, then the politically correct crowd will be all over you like “white on rice.” Now, I understand that the topic of marriage is a sensitive issue for some people with same-sex attractions. They feel that they should be able to marry someone of the same sex. But, the problem with that, is the real definition of marriage. I would have to respond politely to someone who makes that argument with, “you don’t have a beef with me, but with God!” Instead of redefining the meaning of marriage, another word could be used in it’s place.   Continue reading